Tag Archives: acupuncture for back pain
Acupuncture vs Pain Killers
Even a minor collision can have major effects on your health! When one vehicle is struck by another, thousands of pounds of force are exerted on the neck and spine. Whiplash occurs when the head and neck are thrown or “snapped” back and forth very quickly.
The result is injury to the ligaments, muscles, and discs of the neck and spine. Too many people who have been in a traumatic accidents do not receive the proper treatment. They go from the emergency room to the medical doctor’s office and do not have their mis-alignments, pinched nerves treated, strained muscles treated as many medical doctors do not recommend alternative care.
Traditional doctors would most likely recommend nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, known as NSAIDs, to ease the pain. It is important to be aware of potential drawbacks, including greater risks of serious cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and kidney problems. The most common reactions are allergic reactions including swelling the face, wheezing, and hives. Another common reaction is stomach bleeding.
This may be the reason why over half of the accident victims never completely recover from their injuries and may live on pain killers for years or endure repeated surgery.
Acupuncture stimulates the flow of energy through the body’s meridians, correcting blockages in the central nervous system, promoting healing and delivering immediate pain relief. With acupuncture, pain is NOT ‘covered up’ or bandaged, like it would be with pain killers.